Our family trip to the Abraham Lincoln Museum

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Categories: WTK Kids ProjectsPublished On: June 26th, 2013Tags: , , , , , , , , , Views: 5055451 words

Checking to see who was taller Abe at age 9 or Josiah age 10Billy w signature

Josiah C WTK- Reporter

Our family trip to the Abraham Lincoln Museum was very fun and exciting. It brought history to life. We got to see his family home in Springfield and how he lived before he became president. Abe Lincoln was poor when he was young and worked very hard to make a living and help support his family. As a boy he would be rented out by his father to work for other people and all his money he gave to his father. It was interesting to see how he lived and worked and had fun. He really loved his family. At the museum we saw letters that he wrote and tools he used. We also saw Abraham Lincoln’s real hat! You could even see his finger prints where he would always tip his hat to people who waved at himwhen they passed through town. We got to see how horrible the war was and the weapons, tools and medical supplies that were used. We even got some hard tack.
  Many people did not like Abraham Lincoln and said many bad things about him. Times were very hard during the war. Abraham Lincoln first saw slaves when he went to Louisiana on a boat. He made fifty cents and felt rich. That is where he saw slavery and families being torn apart. Abraham Lincoln would never forget what he saw that day. There were many battle scenes and real life artifacts from history at the museum. It felt like we were stepping back in time like you were really there in history.
  Another fun and exciting place was the Lincoln family tomb. There is also a temporary vault that was used until he could be buried. In Lincoln’s tomb all but one of his sons and his wife are buried with him. Abraham Lincoln lies across the hall from his family they are all together forever. When I saw the graves I felt respectful. It was quiet and solemn. Many of his speeches are there at the tomb. You can read what Abraham Lincoln really said. My favorite part of one of his speeches is that “all men are created equal.” I think everyone should go to the Abraham Lincoln museum and see all that is there. It is very fun and educational. 

Written by Josiah C MO (10)


“Josiah  has written an excellent article on his wonderful experience at the Abraham Lincoln Museum. It was informative and demonstrates a great understanding about the significant contributions that were made by President Lincoln.“

Kevin Fobbs – Journalist/Author


Josiah C

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  1. Don Myers June 26, 2013 at 9:28 PM - Reply

    What a great job that is being done by “The We The Kids” And all who are doing their best to keep it going and building; Want to champion a great cause; Call “We The Kids” Teaching American ways to our children by real concerned, commited people, wanting to bring back actions that help make America the greatest nation ever in the history of man; Check them out,it is well worth it> Thank you “We The Kids’ God’s blessings.

  2. Shanna Mc. June 27, 2013 at 4:36 PM - Reply

    Great job! Enjoyed reading your article on Mr. Lincoln!

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