WTK Kids Projects

22 items

2508, 2015

Jesse Minton – A Great “American Kid”

Meet Jesse - KBN See Action Reporter for We The Kids.us, Member of USA National Taekwondo Team WINS Gold at the World Championships, July 2015 Italy….. WE THE KIDS Jesse Minton stood up on the 1st place podium with the American Flag wrapped around him, hands in the air and praised our God! 1 Gold, 4 Silvers, and 1 Bronze!!!!  WINS -  GOLD! ” Hi I'm Jesse Minton. I am 11 years old and I am about to tell you almost my whole life story in just a few minutes. Ever since I was about 5 years old, [...]

108, 2015

WTK Teen Hannah visits the Historical Carnton Plantation, Franklin, TN

Carnton Plantation This month I had the opportunity to visit the historical home called the Carnton house in Franklin, Tennessee. The Carnton Plantation was built in 1826 and was used as a hospital during the civil war. It was built by Randal and Sarah McGavock. Their plantation consisted of 1,420 acres. During this time, Nashville was a big political center and many important people visited Carnton with the most famous being Andrew Jackson. John McGavock inherited the plantation after his father died. He expanded the plantation and in 1848 he married Carrie Winder. Together they had five children [...]

3107, 2014

The Patriot Movie I Reviewed by WTK Tyler

The movie the Patriot takes place around when the Revolutionary War. It is a story about Colonel Benjamin Martin. He has seven children and no wife. The movie the Patriot takes place around when the Revolutionary War. It is a story about Colonel Benjamin Martin. He has seven children and no wife. AT the beginning of the movie it shows some of his boys out in the fields plowing and picking crop. Shortly after they finish and go inside to see their dad Benjamin Martin. Benjamin Martin got his rank of Colonel while fighting in the Indian War along with [...]

503, 2014

Author & Artist David Bowman

Written by WTK Kate & GabbyMr. Bowman wrote a fabulous book about our Founding Fathers and the Constitution.        Educating Young AmericansWe conducted a phone interview with Mr. Bowman and learned many things about our great nation.  He explained that America is only as good as its next generation.  He has  four children himself and he wrote this book to educate other children.  He is an artist and a teacher who combined both of his talents to make this interesting and informative book.  Thank you, Mr. Bowman, for your time!                                                                                                                                    ---GabbyInspiring a New GenerationMr. David Bowman, a writer from [...]

2606, 2013

Our family trip to the Abraham Lincoln Museum

Checking to see who was taller Abe at age 9 or Josiah age 10 Our family trip to the Abraham Lincoln Museum was very fun and exciting. It brought history to life. We got to see his family home in Springfield and how he lived before he became president. Abe Lincoln was poor when he was young and worked very hard to make a living and help support his family. As a boy he would be rented out by his father to work for other people and all his money he gave to his father. It was interesting to see [...]

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