Jesse Minton – A Great “American Kid”

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Categories: WTK Kids ProjectsPublished On: August 25th, 2015Tags: , , Views: 4703704 words

Meet Jesse KBN See Action Reporter for We The, Member of USA National Taekwondo Team WINS Gold at the World Championships, July 2015 Italy….. WE THE KIDS Jesse Minton stood up on the 1st place podium with the American Flag wrapped around him, hands in the air and praised our God!
1 Gold, 4 Silvers, and 1 Bronze!!!!

Hi I’m Jesse Minton. I am 11 years old and I am about to tell you almost my whole life story in just a few minutes. Ever since I was about 5 years old, I always liked wrestling around, like most boys do. And when I was 7, my Mom and Dad enrolled me in Taekwon-Do classes at Greenwood Christian Martial Arts Academy (GCMA), in Greenwood Indiana. It is America’s Heartland!

Over the first two years I advanced quickly through the ranks. Then I struggled a little bit going from blue belt to brown belt, but my Dad helped me to see that I just wasn’t prepared well enough and that is why I was having difficulties. Since then, with the help of my Dad, Mom and instructors, I now know the importance of preparing properly.

I am now a 1st Degree Black Belt and really enjoy the sport. I am in leadership at GCMA and teach classes to children and adults. I love the people that I have met through Taekwon-Do. Some of them are my real live heroes. Not pretend made up heroes. I have gotten to train with some of the best people in the world. I am blessed. It’s hard to believe.

I have trained really hard and have competed locally for a few years. But the best part about my competitions is that in November 2014, I competed at the World Taekwon-Do Alliance National Championships in Dallas, Texas. And it was all by the grace of God. We didn’t have the money for the trip, but my Dad had the idea to make a video and fundraise. And God provided through donations. I made the most of the trip and I brought home 1st Place in forms and 2nd Place in Continuous Sparring.
Praise God!

I did take a little bit of a beating to take 2nd in sparring, but I hung. That night, my Dad nursed my wounds to prepare me for the next day. And it was a HUGE DAY! The day after the tournament, I tried out for the USA National Team and made the 10-11 year old, 5 man team that will represent the U.S.A., in the World Taekwon-Do Championships in Roana Italy in July 2015!!!

In return, I want you to know that I have a mission that is bigger than myself & that you can count on me to do my best.

Click here to Encourage Jesse and see some "Cool Board Breaking":

Right now, the total of all my Martial Arts awards are 13 metals, 3 trophies, and one glass plaque. And I’m going to do everything I can to bring home a gold medal from Italy. I am blessed to have great people supporting me. They help me to stay on track and to not lose sight of my goals when I’m tired or discouraged.

As for my home life, I’m homeschooled, and enjoy playing with my friends and my little sister. My favorite toys are Legos, Marvel Superheroes, and Video Games! I believe in America and the Constitution. Thank you for reading my biography!

Thank you for your time. I do need your support. And if you can’t donate, then please commit to sharing my story in hopes that it gets in front of the right people who can help. And also please commit praying for me and my family for us to raise the needed money and to pray that we perform well while glorifying God!

Jesse A. Minton

Jesse Minton- 2nd Amendment Advocate, Patriot, KBN See Action Reporter for We The, Member of USA National Taekwondo Team going to the World Championships, July 2015…..

stars01Encourage and Support

Jesse’s Journey

to the World Taekwon-Do Championships at:

Billy-Eagle-vector-imageWTK KID APPROVED!

image003Bringing up Bates
Pokagon Band PotawatomiJerry Campbell - Native American & War Veteran

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  1. Jesse A. Minton April 15, 2015 at 2:55 PM - Reply


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