
5 items

2610, 2022

History Mystery Tour Press Release

What was your favorite subject in school? If it was history, you probably had a great teacher, one who didn't focus on memorizing dates but on bringing past people and events to life. Unfortunately, today's children are either learning America was nothing to brag about, or they aren't learning much at all. Many don't even know who won the Civil War. It is time to show young Americans how exciting and relevant history is. It is time to let them know God's fingerprints are all over our nation's past. It is time to inspire them with our ancestors' stories of [...]

805, 2015

What better way to celebrate SB150 than a cemetery tour!

Location: City Cemetery, 214 North Elm Street, South Bend, IN What better way to celebrate SB150 than a cemetery tour featuring key citizens of South Bend's past? "Have You Been to Historic South Bend City Cemetery?" is the launch event for this new self-guided heritage tour. This event is a first-ever tour of City Cemetery with reenactors portraying persons buried within City Cemetery. Meet Vice President Schuyler Colfax, Abraham Lincoln, town co-founder Lathrop Taylor, Pharrow Powell,  Col. Norman Eddy, Pvt. John Auten, Patriots Peter Roof and Isaac Ross, just to name a few. This event will take place from 1:45 to 4 p.m., and will be [...]

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