
8 items

3110, 2023

We The Kids launch Nov. 7 “Student Freedom Voices Walk-In For Jewish Students”

We The Kids launch 'Student Freedom Voices Walk-In For Jewish Students' on November 7 By Kevin Fobbs November 1, 2023 How will America’s children remember October 7, when over 1,400 innocent Israelis including children and babies and 31 Americans were brutally massacred? We The Kids believes that by enlisting millions of young American voices to acknowledge the second Jewish holocaust and support Jewish youth, the truth of the 2nd Holocaust will not be buried beneath the rubble of vile escalating Hamas hatred. We The Kids will use Nov.7 campaign launch to ignite love, and freedom voices in communities, K-12, and [...]

2908, 2022

Ideas Change The World, by Daniel Sheridan

Ideas Change The World, by Daniel SheridanWars usually make the news, and war movies dominate cinema. That's because they are "exciting." Bullets zipping across the battlefield and men storming the beaches of Normandy inspire thrilling musical scores. But ideas, unlike war, are born of contemplation, mature through discussion, and ultimately make lasting change.#OTD, August 29, 1632, one of the philosophers of the Glorious Revolution, John Locke, was born.Locke wrote "Two Treatises of Government," a work inspired by the Glorious Revolution. Here, Locke espoused that all men have a natural right to life, liberty, and property and established a government to [...]

307, 2015

WTK RADIO Show Friday 5-6 PM EST & Sunday 3:00 PM EST

Tune in to “We The Kids” history radio on from 2-3pm pst/ 4-5pm cst/ 5-6pm est On today’s show: Posted by Kevin Fobbs, Cleveland Conservative Examiner   As America prepares to celebrate the nation’s independence one very special mom has spent years bringing comfort to the nation’s military through her Patriotic Pillow Project. According to We the Kids, Christina Finn, is known nationally for her famous handmade patriotic pillows. She has delivered a staggering 20,500 plus handmade pillows and attended over 400 veteran events. This Heartland Hero will be We the Kids’ special Independence Day show guest. Finn will [...]

1508, 2011

Bringing the Constitution and American History to life

Rachel, the young lady pictured, is being home-schooled and has shown a great deal of interest in what we have been doing as we have developed this site. As such, we started which will be hosted by Rachel. Rachel Ann, Co-Founder of We the Kids Rachel is studying the signers of the Declaration of Independence. She has posted her report on John Hancock, the first signer. It can be viewed by clicking the tab for We the Kids and clicking the link at the bottom of the page. Rachel is from Maryland so she will also be [...]

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