Forgotten American Stories

13 items

1209, 2023

WTK SPECIAL: “We The Kids Constitution Day Special!” CELEBRATE Constitution Day!  September 17, 1787 “What Is the Success Formula of the U.S. Constitution?”

(Chapter 9 page 107 of “Forgotten American Stories: Celebrating America’s Constitution”) Click here to listen: Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten American Stories & The WTK Reporter Daniel and Christelle. Questions: *What do we mean by “success formula”?  (What is a “formula”?) *What did this “formula” make the U.S. Constitution successful at accomplishing? *What IS the “success formula” of the U.S. Constitution?1. Sovereignty of the People2. Separation of Powers3. Limited Powers of Government4. Representation5. A Moral and Religious People *If we leave out any of these success formula elements, what could happen to our “United” States [...]

403, 2022


' And here's why We The Kids Radio Show winning an "Award of Excellence" from the PAB for the SECOND year in a row is a HUGE deal! The Liberty Players are just kids (not actors) and their parents love being on the radio with them!The We The Kids Radio Show is based on author Lydia Wallace Nuttall's book "Forgotten American Stories: Celebrating America's Constitution". All our Patriotic Leadership Lessons are acknowledged by HSLDA (Homeschool Legal Defense Association) for civics course credit!All the time for researching, writing, producing, and airing the We The Kids Radio Show is donated! From all [...]

403, 2022

‘We The Kids’ show 2nd PAB Award Recognizes Children as Future Patriots

By Kevin Fobbs It makes America’s 'We The Kids' (WTK) 2nd Broadcasters Award timely. Like the Ukraine parents and children need voices, so do America’s parents and children.  “WE THE KIDS – EPISODE 29: “LIBERTY REQUIRES SACRIFICE. ”  “We The Kids” and the Liberty Players were selected as the best Outstanding Radio Public Affairs Program/Program Series in Pennsylvania for the second year, making the weekly show a change agent for children. The Liberty Players are kids (not actors), and they join their parents for weekly discussions on patriotism. The We The Kids Radio Show pulls from author Lydia Wallace Nuttall’s book [...]

1701, 2020

WTK S1:E17 “How Did Chief Massasoit Show KINDNESS?”

(Chapter 11 page 155 of “Forgotten American Stories: Celebrating America’s Constitution”) Click here to listen: Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten American Stories & The WTK Liberty Player Kids, Daniel, Karsten, Questions: Who was Chief Massasoit? Why were he and his people, the Wampanoag, concerned about the Mayflower Pilgrims when they arrived in the waters of Cape Cod Bay the winter of 1620? What reasons did Chief Massasoit and his people have to hate, retaliate, and kill all the Mayflower Pilgrims? What did Chief Massasoit choose to do?  How did he teach his people [...]

1501, 2020

WTK S1:E15 “The Mayflower Families & Mayflower Compact: Why Should Every American Value Them?”

(Chapter 5 page 59 of Forgotten American Stories: Celebrating America’s Constitution) Click here to listen: Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten American Stories & The WTK Liberty Player Kids Daniel. Questions: Is there a difference between a Separatist, a Puritan, and a Pilgrim? Was America the first country to establish a Republic? When the Separatists landed on the North American continent outside the jurisdiction of the Virginia Company, what did this enable them to do? Who was William Bradford? What circumstances in England made the Separatists flee their native country for the untamed wilderness [...]

1401, 2020

WTK S1:E14 “What Is the Forgotten Story Behind the Pledge of Allegiance?”

(Chapter 1 pages 18 & 19 of Forgotten American Stories: Celebrating America’s Constitution)Click here to listen: Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten American Stories and WTK Daniel and Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiances Questions: What is a “pledge”? What does “allegiance” mean? When someone wants to become an American citizen, they take the Oath of Citizenship.  What does the Oath of Citizenship say about “allegiance”? Do other countries have a “pledge of allegiance” to their flag and country? What is a “Republic”?

401, 2020

WTK S1:E4 “The Statue of Liberty: What Challenges Were Overcome To Create Her?”

Listen on Youtube Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten America Stories & The WTK Liberty Player Kids Daniel, Jack, and Henry interview General Grant!Intro by WTK Daniel with American Minute, Bill Federer. Questions: What challenges did Frederic Bartholdi overcome in order to create the Statue of Liberty? What is the importance of PERSEVERANCE? What do the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower have in common? How does the Statue of Liberty symbolize liberty? What is the importance of setting small goals to help accomplish a BIG goal?

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