U.S. Constitution

12 items

1209, 2023

WTK SPECIAL: “We The Kids Constitution Day Special!” CELEBRATE Constitution Day!  September 17, 1787 “What Is the Success Formula of the U.S. Constitution?”

(Chapter 9 page 107 of “Forgotten American Stories: Celebrating America’s Constitution”) Click here to listen: Historian Arch Hunter & Author Lydia Nuttall talk about Forgotten American Stories & The WTK Reporter Daniel and Christelle. Questions: *What do we mean by “success formula”?  (What is a “formula”?) *What did this “formula” make the U.S. Constitution successful at accomplishing? *What IS the “success formula” of the U.S. Constitution?1. Sovereignty of the People2. Separation of Powers3. Limited Powers of Government4. Representation5. A Moral and Religious People *If we leave out any of these success formula elements, what could happen to our “United” States [...]

909, 2022

The Johnson Patent Ice-Cream Freezer – By Daniel Sheridan

#OTD The U.S. Constitution reads, "The Congress shall have power…to promote the progress of science and useful arts by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries…" Nancy Johnson took advantage of this sweet provision on September 9, 1843, who was issued patent #3254 for her hand-cranked ice cream maker and freezer machine. The patent read, "Be it known that I, NANCY M. JOHNSON of the city of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania, have invented a new and useful improvement in the Art of Producing Artificial Ices, and that the following [...]

102, 2022

Sir Edward Coke – By Daniel W. Sheridan

On February 1, 1552, Sir Edward Coke was born. What he did matters to you.   Three types of oppression drove the English to the New World: political, religious, and economic. Political oppression, however, led to the most significant amount of resistance in England. The Stuart Monarchs bullied the courts, forcing the judges to do their bidding. Chief Justice Coke, believing Monarchs are not above the law, courageously withstood King James the First, who, as a result, angrily dismissed the just judge. Justice Coke told the king that the common law bound him, and tyrants never like words [...]

3101, 2022

The Land of Lincoln and the Thirteenth Amendment – by Daniel W. Sheridan

 Listen Now! #OTD, January 31, 1865, Americans make amends as Congress passes the Thirteenth Amendment, consistently applying the words of the Declaration of Independence, that “all men are created equal.”  I was sharing with my daughter the story of the Thirteenth Amendment since my home state played a significant role in its passage. Illinois instructed its congressional delegation to vote for the Thirteenth Amendment, and President Abraham Lincoln signed it on February 1st. Then the amendment went to the States for ratification. The amendment reads, “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party [...]

1804, 2013

Letter to all kids from Grandpa Larry

Hey Kids, Hope you are all doing well.  Summertime is almost here and hope that you all have lots of summertime fun! GOD Bless you all and I love every one of you so be good and grow up strong. Keep up the fight for our great nation. Grandpa Larry   United States Army https://www.facebook.com/messages/1049482957     Dear Kids, I am a grandpa and military veteran. Millions of service members fought and thousands died to protect the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Constitution is powerful. The right to vote is so important. Unfortunately only about 50% of  Americans take the time to [...]

2802, 2012

Constitution of the United States

The Constitution of the United States: A Transcription Note: The following text is a transcription of the Constitution in its original form. Items that are hyperlinked have since been amended or superseded. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Article. I. Section. 1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of [...]

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