George Washington

16 items

2610, 2022

History Mystery Tour Press Release

What was your favorite subject in school? If it was history, you probably had a great teacher, one who didn't focus on memorizing dates but on bringing past people and events to life. Unfortunately, today's children are either learning America was nothing to brag about, or they aren't learning much at all. Many don't even know who won the Civil War. It is time to show young Americans how exciting and relevant history is. It is time to let them know God's fingerprints are all over our nation's past. It is time to inspire them with our ancestors' stories of [...]

708, 2022

The Road To Glory In A Patriot Army: Virtue, by Daniel Sheridan

OTD# August 7, 1782, the Commander of the Continental Army, George Washington, to honor virtuous soldiers, creates the Purple Heart medal (Badge of Military Merit). "The General ever desirous to cherish virtuous ambition in his soldiers, as well as to foster and encourage every species of Military merit, directs that whenever any singularly meritorious action is performed, the author of it shall be permitted to wear on his facings over the left breast, the figure of a heart in purple cloth, or silk, edged with narrow lace or binding. Not only instances of unusual gallantry, but also of extraordinary fidelity [...]

108, 2022

The First U.S. Patent – By Daniel Sheridan 

#OTD, July 31, 1790, the very first American patent, which George Washington signed, was issued to Samuel Hopkins for a process of making potash, an ingredient used in fertilizer.  Abraham Lincoln believed that the invention of the printing press, the discovery of America, and the American patent system brought about the most significant advances in human civilization.  The #Constitution provides for patent laws in Article 1, Section 8, which reads, “Congress shall have power to…promote the progress of science and useful arts by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries…” [...]

2806, 2022

Captain John Barry: An American-Irish Naval Hero and “Father of the American Navy” – By Daniel Sheridan

Captain John Barry: An American-Irish Naval Hero and “Father of the American Navy” – By Daniel Sheridan On June 27, 1963, President John F. Kennedy laid a wreath at the memorial to the Revolutionary War hero, John Barry, of Wexford, on the first full day of his visit to Ireland. Who is John Barry? The British Navy dominated the seas in the 1770s. During the Revolutionary War, the American Navy was no match for them. But private ship owners bravely filled the gap. Congress granted them the authority to “distress the enemies of the United States by sea or land.” [...]

103, 2022

America’s First Constitution – By Daniel Sheridan

#OTD, March 1, 1781, the Continental Congress adopted America’s first Constitution – The Articles of Confederation. Our experiences under these articles were necessary, inspiring the creation of a “more perfect union” under our current Constitution. Here’s the story. Americans had enough of King George’s tyranny, so they declared their independence. However, tearing down an oppressive system is one thing but putting something better in its place is another. The Continental Congress gave the task to John Dickinson, and Congress edited his draft. Congress thought Dickinson’s product gave too much power to a central government, which they were in no mood [...]

1802, 2022

The Story of Presidents’ Day – By Daniel Sheridan

"To the memory of the Man, first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." These are the words of Henry Lee upon the death of our first President, George Washington. Americans throughout the 1800s, cherishing those words, unofficially and spontaneously celebrated the Father of their Country's birthday every February 22, his actual birthday. President Rutherford B. Hayes, in 1879, signed a law making the day an official holiday, and it became a national federal holiday in 1885, known simply as Washington's Birthday. The holiday has changed in two ways since President Hayes signed it [...]

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