WE THE KIDS Interview with Congresswoman Jackie Walorski – 2010

Rachel Ann

Rachel Ann

Rachel Ann, Co-Founder of We The Kids

My Grandmother and I met Representative Jackie Walorski in April.  I was very excited and nervous at first.  Ms. Warlowsk is a great lady. I hope she becomes our next U.S. Congresswoman for Indiana. I asked her for a statement on what she believed about the Constitution and this is the statement she sent me.

Rachel Ann 12




Representative Jackie Walorski Comment on The Consititution,

I have always been a defender of our constitution.  As a State Representative, I raised my right hand and swore to defend our constitution and will continue to that until the day I leave this earth.  Our constitution is a living document that was entrusted to us by our founders.  They wrote and ratified it to ensure that our liberties and freedoms would be forever protected from unscrupulous government officials.  The founders knew they had to restrict the power of the government to ensure those liberties and I will continue to fight in that fold.  During these times of larger more intrusive government, I believe we need to return to those founding principles that drive American Exceptionalism and my own endeavors.

Representative Jackie Walorski

JohnHancockSigners of the Declaration of Independence
A Republic if you can keep it with questionHappy Birthday America!!! Posted by Walker (13)

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