We Have Much To Be Thankful For By Marc Alan Urbach, WTK’s journalist

The title of the article says it all. Yes, indeed we have much to be thankful for. God has blessed us with plenty. We have clean water and clean air. Plenty of food and natural resources. America in my opinion is still a “shining city on a hill,” with tremendous opportunities for all who put forth the desire and hard work to achieve. In my opinion, Americans have the greatest purchasing power of any people in the world. I also believe many Americans are happy, although the media might portray it differently. A huge number of Americans although are not happy. Approximately 50 million are living in poverty, about 48 million are on food stamps and about 85 million are out of the labor work force. Much needs to be done. This Thanksgiving Holiday, I hope and pray ALL Americans can come together and realize that the tough election is over. Realize that together we can build this nation and create a bright future for all citizens and our “posterity.” This will not be an easy task as there is much to do. As we observe this Thanksgiving Holiday we should remember what we are thankful for. God and his blessings, family and friends and our co-workers and of course our fellow Americans. Our Founding Fathers knew the importance of acknowledging Almighty God. It was President George Washington and the Congress that proclaimed Thursday the 26th of November 1789 to be a day of “public thanksgiving and prayer” devoted to “the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be.” (The Thanksgiving Holiday we recognize on the 24th was established by Lincoln during the Civil War and made into law by Congress in 1941.) It is my fervent hope and prayer that ALL Americans will realize that as they sit down for their Thanksgiving meal, whatever their faith, they hold hands together and say a prayer for what they have. Prayer was a common word and common practice for well over 200 years in this Republic. Some people today find the word out of place or unusual. Hopefully they will realize that all the material things in life, the secular awards shows on television, all the electronics and such cannot compare when family and friends hold hands and recite a prayer. All of us at We The Kids wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. We do have much to be thankful for. AMEN



2015 co op pictures 262 scaled 1We The Kids WTKteen Erica at Greenmead Historical Park
Screenshot 2019 05 17 WE THE KIDSWTK History lesson with Pilgrim Institute Storyteller Jeanette Whittaker

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