Patriotic Values

3 items

3010, 2016

There are NOT three branches of government, but FIVE!! What?

Thursday, October 27, 2016 By Marc Alan Urbach, WTK’s journalist As I just watched our flag (YouTube video), Old Glory being raised by four men at West Point, I continue to believe that we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. As the bugler played revelry, the hair stood on the back on my neck. We Americans have a decision to make on November 8th. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are the two top candidates. There are clear and distinct differences between the two. We the Kids is a very Patriotic organization. We love our Founding [...]

609, 2012

Jacob Announced Winner of “What Patriotism Means To Me” Essay Contest

Essay winner What child would want to write an essay when it’s summertime? Someone who wants to win a pool party! That’s exactly what 11-year old Jacob  did! With the encouragement of his grandmother, Jacob decided to enter the contest.  The contest was open to readers of the Union Star and Altavista Journal of Brookneal, VA and was also handed out in area libraries and other events. Jacob won a pool party on our Main Brookneal Campus. He was allowed to invite friends and family and was provided with snacks and drinks Jacob said his grandmother was the driving force behind [...]

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