Marc Alan Urbach

5 items

1603, 2016

When is the right time to talk to your children about guns?

By Marc Alan Urbach, WTK Constitutionalist, journalist and author, The answer is very simple, yet complex. There is no right or wrong answer. Every child is unique and different in their own way, so you first need to evaluate your child and determine if they want and are ready to learn about guns. I feel the best time is when the child expresses an interest in guns. Children at a young age have a tremendous learning advantage once they set their goals about grasping a new idea or concept. What should you do if your child shows no interest in [...]

1003, 2016

A New York City public school covers up the American Flag

Published by WTK’s reporter Marc Alan Urbach A kindergarten class in PS75, a public school in New York City created a stir this week when it was discovered that the American flag was covered with the flags of 22 other nations. The school claims this was a project for the students to show their appreciation of other nations. The flag was to be auctioned off to raise money, but was cancelled due to the uproar at which it created. The red and white stripes of the American flag were covered with the flags of 22 Spanish speaking countries, but also [...]

1912, 2015

Kentucky School Censors Bible Passages From Charlie Brown Christmas Play

Published by KBN See Action News reporter - Marc Urbach Students will perform the play “A Charlie Brown Christmas” at W.R. Castle Elementary School this week, but the scene that sees Linus' quoting from the Bible will be censored. Jeff Cochran, principal of W.R. Castle Elementary School in Johnson County, said all religious references in the play must be removed. The play will take place this Thursday, but the scene in which the character Linus quotes from the Bible will be deleted as a result of a single complaint against the play's religious references. Censorship and "A Charlie Brown Christmas" [...]

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