Hello, America Patriots!

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Categories: WTK Featured StoriesPublished On: December 11th, 2019Tags: , , , , , , Views: 2838450 words

Hello, Patriots!

Our kids are under attack! They’re being taught socialism and false history, and we HAVE to stop it!

The only way to counteract this intrusion on our precious future is to teach our children REAL HISTORY.

My name is Judy Frazier, founder of We The Kids. I am on a Patriotic Mission to stop the misinformation and the brainwashing of our precious children.


I can’t do it alone.  I need your help!

Will you donate less than the cost of a fancy coffee to keep alive the mission of We The Kids?

We The Kids




Col John Eidsmoe, Constitutional Attorney The Foundation For Moral Laws


We have a serious problem here in America!

Contribute to WE THE KIDS. Your gift is very much appreciated and fully deductible as a charitable contribution… “WTK’S Goal is to return GOD to America’s story!”

Will you share your change with us to make a change in our country?

We are asking American Patriots to each give THREE DOLLARS. You got this!

What your patriotic donation will do: Contribute to WE THE KIDS…today!

1. Keep us on the radio! We are currently working on the Fox Radio show in Pennsylvania with author Lydia Nuttall, Arch Hunter, Colonel John Eidsmoe and our mascot Billy the Eagle. We have Living Historians scheduled to be a part of our shows!

2. Keep our education going! Our popular Constitution Alive classes feature Rick Green of Wall Builders. We want to get kids HOOKED ON HISTORY through hands-on projects.

3. Keep our videos in production! We are working to create 52 videos for the kids starring Colonel John Eidsmoe and Billy the Eagle sharing their knowledge and passion for our Constitution and our accurate American history.

Join our sponsors! Join this group of determined citizens to make sure our future generations understand our history as it really is!

Here are just a few of the contributions being made right now:

FOX is donating air time!

Colonel Eidsmoe is donating his personal time!

I’m donating my time to teach Constitution Alive classes!

And you can be a part of the CHANGE by donating just $3 today. We are excited to see the difference you can make!

Please help me keep We The Kids going so we don’t lose our future generation to socialism and untruths.

THREE DOLLARS from each American Patriot will do so much!

THANK YOU for standing up for our United States Constitution and saving our KIDS from socialism and lies!

Contribute to WE THE KIDS…today!

Check out our website at wethekids.us today!


We The Kids



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