Sea Quest & WTK’s CEO Steve Gronka was interviewed on One America News Network with Alex Salvi.

The Daily Ledger is a premier show on One America News Network. It is broadcast from 8 pm to 9 pm Eastern Standard Time and is followed by the Tipping Point hosted by Liz Wheeler. Standing in for regular show host, the fearless and astute critical thinker Graham Ledger, was outstanding reporter Alex Salvi. I was asked to comment on student engagement, especially about student protests against gun violence and Climate Change oka (originally known as) Global Warming which title cannot pass muster, the true test of science embodied in The Scientific Method, hence the deceptive name change! The Left loves its deceptive naming practices with the names being the opposite of the reality of their intent
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Carlos May w Gov Pence INInterview with Carlos May on the Constitution
REV GEORGE LEILEAmerican Minute with Bill Federer John Stewart, Black Missionary

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