John Locke

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3110, 2023

Winner WTK Liberty Player Elizabeth C – Tea Party Youth Constitution Challenge – 2023

Tea Party Youth Constitution Challenge - 2023 NATURAL LAWS by Elizabeth C and How They Influenced our Founders as They Created the US Constitution What are Natural laws? Natural laws are a body of unchanging moral principles regarded as a basis for all human conduct. These principles influenced the Founding Fathers very strongly. According to The Constitution Leadership Initiative, most believed that natural law was a gift from the Creator. Natural law also sparked natural rights. The Pennsylvania Constitution states, “That all men are born equally free and independent and have certain natural, inherent, and inalienable rights. Among which are, [...]

2908, 2022

Ideas Change The World, by Daniel Sheridan

Ideas Change The World, by Daniel SheridanWars usually make the news, and war movies dominate cinema. That's because they are "exciting." Bullets zipping across the battlefield and men storming the beaches of Normandy inspire thrilling musical scores. But ideas, unlike war, are born of contemplation, mature through discussion, and ultimately make lasting change.#OTD, August 29, 1632, one of the philosophers of the Glorious Revolution, John Locke, was born.Locke wrote "Two Treatises of Government," a work inspired by the Glorious Revolution. Here, Locke espoused that all men have a natural right to life, liberty, and property and established a government to [...]

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