Constitutional issues

2 items

2506, 2022

An Early Constitutional Crisis: An Act Concerning Aliens – by Daniel Sheridan

#OTD, June 25, 1798, An Act Concerning Aliens is by Daniel SheridanIt’s the 1790s. Trouble is brewing in France. Meanwhile, we were having trouble at home. Many American newspapers favored France, and the editors viciously attacked President Adams and Great Britain. In 1798, Congress tried to check these offenses by passing two laws:1. The Alien Law authorized the President to banish any foreigner he considered dangerous to the peace and safety of America. The law read in part: “Confers power on the President to order aliens to depart…Such as the President shall judge dangerous to the peace and safety of [...]

2405, 2022

Signers of Declaration – WTK Liberty Players & our History Mystery Guest!

 WE THE KIDS S2 E2-SIGNERS OF DECLARATION & WTK LIBERTY PLAYERS  WE THE KIDS - S2 E3--SIGNERS OF DECLARATION & WTK LIBERTY PLAYERS Mrs. Abigail Adams Biography Abigail Adams Biography (1744-1818)Mrs. Abigail (nee Smith) Adams was the daughter of Reverend William Smith, an “Old Light†Puritan Minister in Weymouth, Massachusetts and Mrs. Elizabeth (nee Quincy) Smith. Her mother taught Abigail and her siblings: Mary Smith Cranch, William Smith, and Elizabeth “Betsy†Smith Shaw-Peabody, how to read and write. Due to her father’s extensive library collection, Abigail enjoyed studying philosophy, law, politics, and history.Mrs. Adams was the first Second [...]

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