A Christian Inventor Makes Food Cheaper, Saves Labor, and Donates to Charity by Dan Sheridan
#OTD, June 21, 1834, Cyrus McCormick, a Christian, inventor, and businessman, patents his reaper. He made a fortune, much of it going to charity. His machine saved labor, made food cheaper for everyone, and built the American West, by Dan Sheridan Listen to this:
June 12, 1776, the Virginia Constitutional Convention approves George Mason’s Bill of Rights. Why should we care? by Daniel Sheridan
June 12, 1776, the Virginia Constitutional Convention approves George Mason’s Bill of Rights. Why should we care?By Daniel SheridanRecurrence to Fundamental Principles, Love, and Charity: The Foundations of a Free Society – By Daniel Sheridan1776 was the year of the Declaration of Independence and constitution-making in the new states. One question Americans couldn’t answer yet: Who had the right to declare what the law shall be?Historian Forrest McDonald describes the problem facing the Patriots:“Of the eight constitutions established in 1776, six were drafted by bodies especially elected for the purpose, but they were never submitted to anyone for ratification…Proclamation of [...]
Ann M. Wolf “Blessed are the Ones” – Remembering 9/11/2001
September 11th, 2020